Bellwether Hub Podcast

Wellness, Organized: The Physical



As promised in a previous post and podcast, I’ve decided to organize my thoughts on wellness. It’s such a massive topic, that it needs to be broken down into categories. Today, we focus on the physical aspect of wellness. Physical wellness, to define it and get on the same page, is your vessel; the tank that carries around your crap all day. It covers health, weight, and more. In essence, it’s your body. It is not, however, your body image. Save that shit for our mental discussion. Physical wellness is what you are doing day in and out to make sure that you are a fine tuned machine to handle anything coming at you. Like Netflix. And there are three components to physical wellness: Diet, Fitness and Sleep. There is no shortage of information and advice on this topic. I’m aware of that. And I would argue that it’s part of the problem: there is too much advice and information on this topic, so people get confused or disappointed and they give up. But it is also the reason why I wrote this. And I’m