Heed Your Calling With Jim Schubert

How God’s Calling Inspired The Birth Of Pure Flix…with Michael Scott



Michael Scott - co-founder, managing partner, and CEO of Pure Flix entertainment, the world-wide leader of faith-based entertainment - Michael and his partners has created his Christian movie studio and distribution company, Pure Flix to have a positive impact on the global culture for Christ. Learn how Michael Scott’s connection with Christ led to his purpose-driven filmmaking, creating box office successes like “The Case For Christ,” “”What If…,” “God’s Not Dead,” and “Do You Believe?.”  Show Notes: God has a calling and a plan for each of our lives, listen and follow it. Mission critical to understand what does God want me to do and how God is going to strengthen me for that journey His brother was pushed by God to preach the gospel all over the world through using his gifting in film production – Produce a TV series titled “Travel The Road” It was the clues that God gave Michael that kept him on his path How many people miss their calling because they are listening to the voices of the world and fear of