Healthcare Giants

Dr. Rodriguez - Never Quit



Dr. Veronica Rodriguez is not a stranger to failure, she did not have the STRAIGHT LINE Path that we all want but that didn't stop her from becoming a doctor. She is a warrior when it comes to pushing through setbacks or what some would call failures. She didn't do well on her MCAT and in fact decided to retake it and on the second try did worse. If that wasn't enough she also faced not matching to a residency program twice. At one point in her journey she took a step back and went into real estate for a year before re applying herself. For a physician these can be MAJOR set backs and force you to quit. However, for Dr. Rodriguez this was an opportunity for her to grow!  She is now a Family Physician, blogger, youtuber, and Instagram queen. She helps many people all around the world through her social media presence. Match Day is a term used widely in the graduate medical education community to represent the day when the National Resident Matching Program or NRMP releases results to applicants seeking reside