Soul Sex With Jenna Allin

Episode 5 - Imagery for Leveling the Fuck Up



Today is about How to Use Imagery and Mindfulness for Healing We have looked at how symptoms of chronic pain, mental illness, self sabotage or just plain stress and lack of success all start with faulty belief systems (BS) we have about the world, ourselves or our place in itI have witnessed myself that these can be healed using the power of developing mindful presence, the wholesome mind and loving compassion. I have seen the power of imagery - which we will delve into today - change people’s lives miraculously. My phone is full of text messages at this very moment from clients attesting to the power of these things in their lives. I’m excited to be bringing it to you today. What you’ve learned about the Law of Attraction is bullshit - don’t get caught in the positivity trap - it’s more than just thinking positively - it’s about relating to all of thought differently.Support the show