Memento Mori Stories

Lynn's Necklace



The necklace, I would have to say, I chose because it was a special connection with my brother and I thought of him when I had it on. I just felt like his presence was with me. So everywhere I would go if I had that necklace on I knew my brother was with me, kinda watching over me. This memento made me feel as if I was being protected, watched over. This loss was my older brother and we did a great deal of different activities together, like tennis and driving in his special sports car; sometimes we’d even double date. So the feelings this brings up are memories of my brother and just how protective he was. He really was a wonderful brother and he watched out for me, and I just felt as if I had that necklace on he’d still be watching over me and kind of taking care from a distance, if you want to call it heaven.