Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #44 | More Into The Every Heart Project and Savvy Girl Media With Janet Bernstein



Episode #44 | More Into The Every Heart Project and Savvy Girl Media With Janet Bernstein   Show Transcription: In today’s podcast, I am with Janet, a businesswoman and a life coach. She currently have two businesses, namely, the Every Heart Project and the Savvy Girl Media, both of which have different yet relatable platforms. Janet, through her projects, empower women as a life coach and entrepreneur. She gathers women for lunch, dinner dates, and meetings to talk about how they want to go on about their businesses and how to manage the stresses in their daily activities, struggles and crossroads. Sometimes we set aside our dreams and aspirations for something more practical that could pay the bills. Every Heart Project and the Savvy Girl Media dives into women interactions that inspire each other to believe in pursuing their purpose. Janet also opened about how the different closed doors have opened new opportunities for growth and that failures a