Spoken Stories

Episode - 23 True Butterfly w/ Allie Capo



True Butterfly has been writing poetry for about 15 years. It started as a way to get her feelings out and process her thoughts. Poetry has proven to be a good outlet for her. Adrienne believes that everyone should have an outlet. Her outlet has led to her becoming a published author. Her first book, is a book of poetry entitled Butterfly Flow. Adrienne has since written 2 more books, Finding Your Flow: A Butterfly’s Secret to Happiness (workbook) and the Butterfly Flow Journal. You can find more on Adrienne at:  www.adrienne-charleston.com. With musical guest Allie Capo, this amazing songbird is a master of many crafts from modeling to singing, to thrifting to playing her guitar.. This episode will be sure to sooth your artistic side, stay tuned...