Spoken Stories

Episode 15 - Ayanna Yann Albertson w/ A. yoni Jeffries



Ayanna Albertson is a poet and  writer amongst many other things. Spending most of her life in North Carolina, Ayanna's poetry embodies the lifestyle of a southern black woman mixed with wit yet simplistic substance. In the last year, Ayanna has participated in various slam poetry competitions across the county, has won Grand Slam Champion at the Bull City Slam for a consecutive 2 years, and has used her gift of words in various platforms in order to impact and inspire others. Ayanna is very passionate about social justice, human rights, and civil rights, and desires to be a voice for anyone who would allow her to be. Ayanna's motto is "I don't wish to be famous, I just want to be heard." With God, her family and friends by her side, Ayanna believes her gift of words will take her far. With musical guest, hand picked by the feature poet herself; A. Yoni.