Spoken Stories

Episode 14 - Fuze Aquene Namid w/ Nacynze



Fuze Aquene Namid (fuse a/keen nah/meed) is a poet, creative writer, author, visual/graphic artist, philosopher and spiritualist.  For the past 17 years, his expression entity known as i*stimyouleye (eye/stim/you/lie) has provided creative writing, visual and audio concepts for book, music, film, commercial, and workshop purposes.  His latest work is book #14 from his Langston Fuze Publishing collection entitled, LOVE POEMS FROM ASAR. In the words of a 6th grade student who witnessed Fuze speak at her school: "He's class without pretend... style without offense...A field beneath the freeways and New York with country ways… He never talks of freedom because he lives it everyday." With musical feature, Nacynze a local group who focuses on being hip/hop back to its roots.