Project Nova

Episode XIII: Suffodio



Life is a bit easier inside Nova Station now that the Computer's artificial intelligence isn't trying to murder the subjects. But newly recovered recordings provide the subjects with a little insight into the Project...and makes them question how long this respite will last. Project Nova Episode XIII: Suffodio Project Nova is an original Audio Drama created by Aaron Sarka and produced by Evil Kitten Productions.   Project Nova follows the lives of four subjects of a secret scientific project.  Who are they?  Why are they here?  What is Project Nova? Project Nova is written and directed by Aaron Sarka Starring:  Sarah Sarka as Armstrong   T.J. Anderson as Vespucci   Jon Penick as Battuta   Rachel Craig as Eberhardt  Aaron Sarka as The Computer . With Special Guests Stars: Mike Jones as Doctor Roy Ellis And Caitlin Rose Jackson as Doctor Alice Chol The Project Nova theme is by Aaron Sarka. All  oth