Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #49 | Health and Wealth Go Hand in Hand With Corin Hinderegger



Episode #49 | Health and Wealth Go Hand in Hand With Corin Hinderegger   Show Transcription: In today’s podcast, I am with Corin, a transformative coach and medical intuitive. Corinne is a huge advocate and believer that wealth and health always go hand in hand. She shared the differences between the past’s communication systems and today’s and how so much has changed and improved with time. For anyone who works in the health field, it is so easy to forget one’s health while tending to the needs of cure and care of your patients. It’s a sad fact that health practitioners nowadays don’t get that much liberty to look out for themselves first due to the accumulating tasks and duties to comply with their patients and the institutions they are in themselves. Corin talks about getting to know your body more and emphasizing how health and wealth go hand in hand by explaining how a continuous emanating low energy could attract less and less income and prod