Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #47 | Powerful Transition: Turning Day Jobs Into Full-Time Businesses With Kyesha Williams



Episode #47 | Powerful Transition: Turning Day Jobs Into Full-Time Businesses With Kyesha Williams   Show Transcription:   In today’s podcast, I am with Kyesha Williams, an elite business strategist who helps millennials turn their day jobs into full-time businesses. In such a busy world, accompanied by ever-changing technological innovations, staying focus on a business you want to run can be quite challenging. Especially for millennials who juggle day time jobs with school or other stuff, getting the satisfaction that one needs may not be as easy as one thought.   Kyesha Williams, being an entrepreneur herself, can sympathize with the want to do more and get paid more with the work that you put out. And she’s using her experiences and knowledge in the field to reach out a hand to young entrepreneurs who somehow feel lost and unaccounted for, and help them build a lasting business for themselves. Turning dayjobs into businesses entails lots of sacri