One At A Time, With Kyle Idleman

Redeem The Screen: Screen Door



On this episode of One at a Time, Kyle Idleman sits down with Brock O’Dell to talk about a subject that affects more households that you might think: pornography. Brock struggled for several years – starting as a teenager – with an addiction to porn, and over the years, learned to fight the good fight and resist the temptation. As Brock puts it, people aren’t just searching for porn, porn is searching for them too. Recognizing this, we need to learn how to talk about it.  In this conversation, you’ll hear about how kids discover porn, the damage it does, and the paths of grace that lead away from it. Credits: One at a Time is a production of Narrativo It’s executive produced by Kyle Idleman and Cary Meyer This episode was produced and mixed by Mike Cosper Our theme song is by Dan Phelps