Wild Goose

Same God feat. Dr. Larycia Hawkins & Barbara Brown Taylor



Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Dr. Larycia Hawkins, the first female African-American to be tenured at Wheaton College, was placed on “administrative leave” for posting photographs of herself wearing a hijab in solidarity with Muslims during Advent. The photographs were posted on her personal social media page. Less than a month later Wheaton began the process of terminating her and soon Dr. Hawkins, a tenured faculty member, and the school “decided to part ways.” Barbara Brown Taylor, teacher of world religions, best-selling author, including her most recent Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others, and listed as one of twelve most effective preachers in the English language (CNN, May 2018) will interview Dr. Hawkins.