Take 2: Utah's Legislature With Heidi Hatch, Greg Hughes And Jim Dabakis

Take 2 - Adoption laws, Romney vs. Trump, competing rallies and more



2News Anchor Heidi Hatch hosts another debate on issues important to Utahns between Maura Carabello, of The Exoro Group, and Greg Hughes (R), former Speaker of the House, on the Take 2 podcast. The three-member panel talked about the University of Utah being selected to host the 2020 vice presidential debate on Oct. 7, 2020. It's a  first for Utah and the only one in the West this election cycle. Additional topics discussed are: Tulsi Gabbard believes the nominating process is rigged. Should she boycott the debate? Competing rallies outside Ben McAdams Office: Our own Greg Hughes among them. Sen. Mitt Romney comes out swinging against Trump this week and Trump swings back. Do we need tougher adoption laws in the state with this week's human trafficking case?