I'm Feeling This: Music, Culture and Lifestyle

IFT1: Enema of The State



In the first edition of I'm Feeling This, Mike O'Regan and Mike Barney spend some time introducing themselves via a quick round of 20 questions. The duo recaps their previous weekend's escapades and then delves into some of their favorite and least favorite aspects of music, TV, and pop culture. Following a goofy exchange regarding their interests, the two sink their teeth into Blink-182's 1999 album Enema of The State. As immense fans of pop punk music and the Southern California trio, the pair of Mikes walk song by song through the rock album that defined the end of the 90s. Recapping all twelve tracks and fielding some distractions along the way, the episode ends with a quick reflection, and recommendations for a couple albums and a song to finish off the first episode.Support the show