K1n9's Corner Podcast

Ep. 7 - “If you’re not following your passion, what’re you doing?”



Before the episode starts, you will hear the beautiful vocals of K1n9 Finesse's Family singing the regular version & the Guests singing the Afro-Centric Philly version of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.For the K1n9’s 25th birthday, he was accompanied by Queen Siani Leigh and King Hastings W. Coach. We talked about entertainment within Philly, the long history of black entertainment, growing up with siblings and Astrology/Numerology. #K1n9sCornerPodcast #KCPThis episode is sponsored by Coach's Properties.Follow the CEO of Coach's Properties on Instagram @coachingsince92 & on Twitter @letmeCOACHyou for more info. For any Public Relations work needed, contact @SianiLeighPR on Instagram & Twitter for more info. And lastly, do NOT forget to follow the official page of the @K1n9sCorner Podcast on Twitter & Instagram.