Garden of The Mind

AL007 || You Need Good Soil



  Garden of The Mind || The Audio Logs AL007 || You Need Good Soil APRIL 28, 2019 We return this week reenergized and ready to get the seeds sown.  Taking the weekend off last week to till the soil really proved to be a great way to stimulate new ideas.  It cleared some space for us to focus and really get the foundation for The Audios Logs completed and added some more of Mike’s sweet-sounding production value to the intro and outro.  Helped to bring just another layer of professional wizardry that he adds to the pack.  Kyle and myself have been able to become adaptable with our meetings. It has been good practice for when will have to start weaving the vines of conversations in The Garden of The Mind: Conversations to Cultivate a Growth Mindset.  While the most difficult part, as in any organization large or small, has been getting all three of our schedules to sync up to record.  However, where we are in the stage of producing this show that isn’t as important as it will be once The Garden takes root.  Tha