Perfectly Imperfect With Christine And Regina

#12 - The Shameful Secret



People have the tendency to disregard things that don't fit into their perfect perception of what the world is supposed to be like. They have difficulties understanding things they can't see and one of the biggest misconceptions is mental health. Everyone has dealt with mental health issues at some point or another, but so many people never address the problem directly. After a while, you begin to feel like you're in a rut; all those repressed feelings and emotions have no outlet, and it leads you to a downward spiral with only feelings of hopelessness. This week, we discuss our experiences with mental health and how we dealt with life after our diagnoses. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone, you are strong, and you will get through this. *May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the more we speak openly about mental health, the more we can erase the stigma behind this taboo topic. We encourage you to join us in sharing your stories because yours may be the one that can change someo