#relationshipwoes With Danie + Friends

Court Your Coints with Nadia: You Can't Heal What You Don't Reveal



This month, we are using this as the launching pad for building a better relationship with money. For us to get real with money, we have to heal any past traumas or mindsets that we have with money. This title came from listening to Jay Z’s 4:44 album and just loving how real it was. He pulled from some deep ish to pivot into being a new level of self.  In this week's episode, we talk about doing the same thing with money, our mindset and merger with it of sorts. While revisiting the past sucks, but it can be a deterrent to your greatness too. Just like many of us go to therapy to talk about how our past impacts who we are now, we can do the same when it comes to money. Being real allows you to reveal your internal compass.  Knowing Your Triggers Just as with your past relationships, think back to what potential toxin activities did you play or see played with money. Could the love of lack be holding you back? Stop looking to the Jones’ for “goals” and build your own Many of us look to others who “seem” h