Social Dog

#3: Loyalty Service Dogs/Awesome Dogs For Awesome People



Join me as guest Marty T with Loyalty Service Dogs educates us about their fabulous Autistic Service Dog. There are a number of ways an A.S.D can help such as tethering, deep pressure therapy, acting as a deterrent for self-harm, calming tantrums and meltdowns, acting as an anchor to help with bolting, self-confidence building, so on and so forth.  A.S.D. aids toward tailored training. We want to make sure to put together a tailored training program to fit our client’s specific needs and lifestyle. A lot of the times we get potential clients asking us in what ways the service dog would be of help to their situation. To answer that question, we'd need to look at their specific needs and determine what an A.S.D can do for them.  We have a detailed 12-page application to help us determine what specific training the dogs will need. We'll also ask for videos and additional information so we can be as accurate as possible in getting them the right dog and training.