Weekly Dose Of Common Sense With Cory Bernardi

EPISODE 57 - 03/04/19



In this episode, Senator Bernardi looks at: The 2019 Budget Highs and Lows, An Institute of Public Affairs Budget Analysis, NBN not working as an investment, Taxes need to be lowered, There is no plan to cut government spending, Budget surplus is a result of higher tax receipts, Intergenerational debt, Whatever happened to lower, simpler, fairer taxes? Australia’s first federal election, Your Say: The framework on which society should be operating, Conservative candidates on the Senate ticket, Name recognition of the Australian Conservatives, Can we be a member of two parties? (supporting the Libs in the Reps and the Conservatives in the Senate), When will the Australian people wake up and realise politics isn’t working for them? Welcome to Country, No touching policy in school, Clive Palmer’s character, How do you attract more women into politics, Bob Hawke’s broken promise on poverty, Why are we funding the United Nations? Unions need to be called out over their undue and partisan influence in Australia, Th