Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Episode 2: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 2 of 7)



Fetal Experimentation, Atlantis, Noah’s Flood * Discover how scientists on Atlantis experimented with interbreeding humans and animals * Learn the real reason for the flood of Noah on Atlantis. * Find out how the new birth technologies impact the sacredness of life and the spiritual role of motherhood. * How to restore reverence for life and the divine feminine. Quote:      "I don`t think that the people that are religious on this planet are necessarily the churchgoers.  I think religious people are those who perform their life`s work with a sense of devotion and dedication to an ideal, to a principle, to something that goes beyond the mere physical--the desire to ennoble a culture, an art, a science, a technology with something more than just our daily bread and propagation." MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlo