Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Episode 6: Karma, Reincarnation and the Family (part 6 of 7)



Marriages of Karma, Twin Flames and Soul Mates *  The differences between marriages of karma, twin flames and soul mates *  How intense emotions of love or hate signal records of the past that are now to the fore *  The soul mate marriage is a union of kindred souls *  How karma and reincarnation impacts the children you bring forth in a family *  Spiritual heredity is not simply genes and chromosomes Quote:      "When we talk about reincarnation and karma and the family, we realize that there are marriages that must take place because of karma.  The only way individuals can work out an intense hatred that they have had for one another in past incarnations is through a great ennobling love.  Hatred attracts, and so does love attract.  And sometimes an instantaneous attraction for someone will be love, but it may also be hatred.  And that hatred may turn into love, presenting a dichotomy of circumst