Family Designs For The Golden Age - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Episode 17: Your Marriage Made on Earth (part 5 of 7)



Marriage: The Divine Masculine and Feminine * What is the underlying cause of divorce? * How to spiritualize marriage? * What is the purpose of marriage? * The masculine and feminine rays Quote:      "Marriage is only a beginning.  And when you take the vow for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, it means that you are making a vow to share your karma.  You each carry your karma on your back; now it becomes a joint load.  The weakness of your spouse is transmuted by your strength. Your own weaknesses are transmuted by his or her strength.  That's what marriage is for--bearing a common load together."  --  Elizabeth Clare Prophet MORE from FAMILY DESIGNS PODCAST: BUY MP3 Audio CD "Family Designs for the Golden Age":  Better understand  yourself as a spiritual parent and create your family environment to unlock your children’s genius.  Lectures by Elizabeth Cla