Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Twelve: Christmas (Part Two)



Shortly after seven, Mark stopped playing and went up to the lectern. “Good evening, my friends,” he began. “I’m so glad you’re here. I had a big service planned for tonight, with a children’s play and everything. But several members of the cast got sick at the last minute, so we had to cancel that. One or two of our soloists have also dropped out at the last minute—as you know, a lot of people have come down with the sore throat that’s going around. I have to confess that, with everything sort of falling apart at the last minute, I was worried about not being able to lead a good service for you tonight. But then this wise woman I know”—here he winked broadly at Sandra—“reminded me that we don’t have to make Christmas; we just have to let it in. And that’s what we’re going to do right now, with carols, and readings, and special music, and candlelight. Let’s start with this reading from the prophet Isaiah.” And Mark read the passage about how “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light,” and the