Bellwether Hub Podcast

2020: Your Year of Perfect Vision



As we have put a wrap on 2019, it’s now time to focus on the possibility and opportunity that looms in 2020. Each December I set out to create my goals for the next year - and align my focus on what’s important to me and where I want to go over the next 365 days. It’s one of my favorite things to do - unbridled imagination of what’s possible and dreaming.  I’ve never been a fan of creating resolutions - simply because they don’t work. They live and die within a moment of hope, and when the rubber has to meet the road, we drop off. Gym memberships go unused, books unread, misaligned priorities failed. And the reason they fail is because they don’t align with our priorities and our values. If the resolutions were that important to us, we would be doing them already.  But that’s not to say a resolution doesn’t have value. Resolutions are generally a recognition that something needs to change. And when we are creating our goals for the next year, it could be a good place to start. Last week I talked abou