Love And Laughter With Beth

50: 04/21/2018 All About Anal



Tonight we are talking about the butt, the back door, everything anal. Why are we so hung up on something with such a taboo surrounding it? What's the appeal? Whether you like it or not, the fact is, anal sex is a seriously hot topic and few of us know as much as we should about it. Whether you’ve tried it or not, whether you've watched porn versions or not, very few of us really know much about how to do it well and how to give and get the most pleasure from it, so that’s why we’re getting “anal” about the details here. Because with a bit of knowledge, patience and deliberation, there can be a lot of exciting sexy fun around your back door, and your partner’s too, and we want to help you explore and play with confidence! Join the conversation with Beth and Bobby as they explore whether it hurts? Why do men enjoy anal sex so much? What’s in it for women? Do only the bad girls like it? Myths and truths like… If men like their butt played with, does that mean they’re gay? And if I do it too much, will I be a