In The Shed With Ando & Clarky

In The Shed Ep.025 -Dec 28 2019, #whereisSCOMO misses the point



The one point missed whilst Australia's PM was taking a holiday during a bush fire season like no other, THE... RIGHT... WING... RATCHET... #SCOMO, #SCUMO, #SCROMO whatever you want to call the PM, he is the poster child for a fiscal policy that guarantees the underfunding outcomes of social services (like fire fighting), improved health and education outcomes etc whilst their financial policies deliver public money with interest to private shareholder ventures like toll roads, franking credits etcFrom the fires to the Australian Energy Networks expansion into further interconnection and storage to support a future with a higher percentage of renewables. Good idea but no good for the average punter if it's privately owned and operating via a market What 2020 may hold and more in this jam-packed episode from In The Shed