Creative Conversational Marketing (audio)

How to Permanently Close a chat bot Playbook - Drift Chat Tutorial



Need some help with Drift, chat bots or Conversational Marketing? Hop on over and learn more about what we do for companies just like yours: Here’s a link to the Conversational Marketing / Chatbot Template: Transcription: Remington from impulse, creative, and today we're going to talk about shutting down the conversation and want to be in by shutting down the conversation is when you're done with a a drift playbook flow and you don't want the prospect to be able to reopen that chat in order to continue a conversation. So when you are going through a Bot flow, you're going to have very well defined different routes that people can go through. Now, in most cases when we're talking about qualifying a lead or driving someone to a meeting, it's totally going to be okay to leave a playbook open so that a prospect can continue the conversation because in a lot of cases, if done right, a live rep would be continuing the conversation, wants to bought, hands it off, but t