Creative Conversational Marketing (audio)

Drift Chat + HubSpot Integration Upgrade 2018



As we dig into the tool, one of the things that is pretty apparent is that there is a added benefit to different applications working with each other, HubSpot and Drift or no different. You've got all the marketing automation and website and just your crm being backed in HubSpot and then you've got all the conversational powerhouse from Drift. Now, while both of these tools have some overlap in their features, one of the cool things is you can have different parts of your organization in different tools and now the information flows much more freely. This tutorial is assuming that you've already set up your HubSpot connector, but if not, we're going to show you how to how to get there. So what you're going to do is you are going to go to the gear icon here in settings. You're going to scroll down and click apps, and then as you scroll down on the list, you'll find HubSpot. Now in this instance, HubSpot is already connected. Go ahead and click that and we've got some features here. One of the features that we'