In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

Variety is the spice in your podcasting life Part 1



[0:02] Have you ever found a recipe that you loved, and then modified over time? Maybe you needed to halve or double the recipe. Perhaps you had to substitute ingredients because you didn't have the ones required on hand. It could be that over time you added in your own personal touches. A dash more of this. A pitch less of that. [0:29] The same is true for your podcast. The recipe you use when you start your podcast may change over time to suit the needs of your listeners as well as yours as hostess.[0:48] We're spicing things up today and in the upcoming three episodes of the podcast with a brand new miniseries. We'll be diving into in many ingredients or 'spices' you'll need, and you'll get to make some choices so that you can build a strong foundation for your podcast. [1:12] To get the most out of this miniseries and craft your forthcoming podcast, grab Yong’s Podcasting Foundations Workbook for just $9 at [1:34] This is the first time this workboo