In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

Are you afraid or are you a fraud?



Head over to and chat about being afraid or a fraud.[0:01] Are you afraid or are you a fraud? That is the question we are diving into today, here on episode number 236 of the In a Weekend Podcast. You’ll learn where the idea for today’s podcast came from, a personal story, plus 3 actionable tips. [0:50] Your heart is racing. Your mouth gets dry your hands, they shake uncontrollably. And all you want to do is flee the scene. This, my friends, is fear. It's your fight or flight mechanism at work. It's meant to keep you safe and out of harm's way. Yet sometimes fear stops us or more correctly, we let fear stop us from moving forward on our big dreams. [1:31] Welcome to the in a weekend podcast. I'm your host, Yong Pratt. And this podcast is for you, my fellow dreamers, my fellow podcasters to make your podcasting journey easier and faster than you thought possible. [1:50] Get the backstory on today’s podcast topic and who inspired this episode[3:28] Yong’s story of feeli