In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

Using Audiograms to Multiply Your Message



[0:01] Today on episode 220 of the In A Weekend Podcast, we're going to talk about how to Multiply Your Message by creating Audiograms.[0:13] Thank you for tuning in today to this episode. My name is Yong Pratt, your host and the Chief Dreamer of the In a Weekend Series of Classes where we help you to simplify, to automate, and to leverage the often hidden assets (like your kiddos) inside your business quickly.[0:37] This is part five of a series called Multiply Your Mesage. If you haven't listened to the previous episodes, I highly recommend you head back and do so. I'll link all of those episodes up on the show notes for today's podcast at[1:01] Let's start at the top.[1:03] What the heck is an audio gram?[1:08] An audiogram is simply a little mini video clip. In that video, you'll see a still image. On top of that still image, you will have a little wav form or a little bar that moves up and down to show you that a video is playing. It can also include the transcripts or the text that we