Don Woods

Something Fishy and MPs at it Again



.Just had a wet week in The Lakes….we stay near Carnforth which has a railway station where the 50’s film “Brief Encounter” was made…starring Trevor Howard. I’ve seen the film and it hasn’t aged well… but it’s interesting to see Carnforth as it was 60 odd years ago.......... MP.s have announced they deserve a 20 grand a year rise…this has gone down well with the public sector - kept to 1%....regular truanters should be rewarded for good attendance…with a computer/Xbox etc…….the ones who turn up on a regular basis get nowt. A couple of lottery winners who scooped 110 million have been in the news…they have had to close their music shop because of people/scroungers asking them for free money to “help them out”. ….apparently the interest on the money is something like 6 grand a day… On the showbiz front there is a new programme featuring Tom Daley where he teaches celebs to dive…it’s called “Splash” and has taken a battering from the critics…..I watched it and it was pretty bad. Dancing on Ice has also ju