Don Woods

Water, Water Everywhere!



The national and local news is full of the terrible tragic shooting of the two policewomen….guns and handgrenades..what next?….something’s got to be tightened up. ..Plus some sicko has posted his approval on facebook…what goes on in the heads of these morons.Problem is it’s not an offence….just offensive...........The Ladies British Open Golf was on last weekend at The Royal Liverpool at Hoylake.The weather was horrendous…so much so they had to cancel the Friday. I watched a bit of it on tele and there didn’t seem to be many there….they reckoned 44000 over the four days…I’ll take their word for that......... Port Sunlight Village is celebrating the life of William Hesketh Lever this weekend….for my money the guy was one of the greatest. He came from nothing and created a world empire….his story is classic. Don's just sent off his latest song for The Krankies Christmas panto….they are on again in Glasgow with John Barrowman. They wanted a song about the 2012 Scottish Olympic medal winners…so it was