Willetton Christian Church

The Partial Kingdom (Part 2)



Dt 11:8-25; 12:1-7; 17:14-20. Dan Kroon. Last week we started to see the partial fulfillment of God's promised kingdom. We saw how he made Israel his people by redeeming them out of Egypt. And we saw how he established his rule by giving them the law at Mt Sinai. Both their redemption and the law were amazing blessings of God, their King. But this week we see he gave them even more blessings. We see how he brings them into the bountiful, promised land of Canaan. And we see how he seeks to rule through a people-uniting monarchy (through kings like Saul, David and Solomon). And on top of all of this, God blesses Israel with his presence in the temple in Jerusalem. This Sunday is a broad sweep from Numbers to 1 Kings; from Moses to Solomon; but it offers us many lessons. Even though God gave Israel all they needed (redemption, law, and the land), they still went astray. Their hearts were not right. They looked for answers in the world around them (human kings). And we often do the same. But the only true answer