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Steve Linebaugh: Creative Lifestyle, Art, Writing, Depression and Nature (E10)



Steven Gorden Linebaugh says from an early age he suffered from depression. He says his feelings of well-being have been cultivated in nature and it started at an early age. Nature is a common thread in everything he does and you will see that reflected in his writing and artwork. You will even hear him talk about the deep meaning nature has in his life through metaphors throughout this podcast episode. Steve shared with me that he wishes society was at a place where we can talk about mental health freely just like we talk about having a headache or feeling stress. I admire Steve’s vigor for life and his willingness to seek meaning and happiness. You will hear his thoughts on this and why he’s naming the book he’s writing, Aggressive Happiness. Steve believes anxiety and depression can be positive tools and they are just part of the creative mind. He says, “We can handle them or they can handle us.” Visit www.rheamader.com for Show Notes More information about this episode Find out how to get 10% off