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Lydia Romero-Johnson: Nurse, Integrative Nutrition Expert & Autoimmune Thriver (E9)



Stomach issues, severe fatigue, rashes, and eventually joint pain and swelling that went on for years into adulthood.  These are some of the symptoms that Lydia Romero-Johnson experienced from the time she was a young child.  She struggled with her health until she was diagnosed with Lupus and Celiac Disease in 2006.  She was a wife and mother of two young boys and was struggling.  She eventually became so tired of her situation that she decided she had to take action. Lydia used her background in nursing and her expertise as a holistic practitioner and integrative nutritionist specialist to take action and change her life.  She lost over forty pounds, increased her energy level, reduced her blood pressure and pain levels through natural remedies and was eventually able to get off her prescription medications.  Lydia values a pro-active, preventative approach to health and wellness and now works with women who are looking for natural ways to improve their health. Visit www.rheamader.com for Show Notes More i