Blanket Fort

24. Genuine Ferby Soul Gems



This week the Blanket Team talk about some stupid stuff that they did when they were in middle school, Brandon's Dumpster Diving Day's, Allen's Rez Cowboy Days, Dawn taking the Chunin Exams, and Albert is the market for a meteorite. In there is something about compressing ferby's into diamonds but the more important thing is that we talk about toenails in lockets. You can check out everything Blanket Term does over at [] ( Send Questions via Twitter, Discord, or email us at (put "Blanket Fort" in the subject line). **Hosts**  Albert: [Twitter]( Joe: [Twitter]( Atkinson: [Twitter]( Gardner: [Twitter](**Mixing and Audio Editing**Allen Joe**Album Art**Dawn Gardner**Producer**Allen Joe**Executive Producer**Dawn Gardner**Music Used**Bits by MossBafiaAccidental Funk(instrumental) by Aussens@iterAll mu