Inside New Mexico With Steve Pearce

6. USA Border overrun by illegal immigrants; NM Governor signs bills to INVALIDATE local Right-To-Work laws and more



Welcome to Inside New Mexico with GOP Chairman Steve Pearce.  SEGMENT 1: USA BORDER OVERRUN BY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS; USBP FORCED TO CLOSE CHECKPOINTS AND DIVERT RESOURCES; PRESIDENT THREATENS TO CLOSE BORDER; MEANWHILE NEW FENCING PLANNED NEAR COLUMBUS, NM at the new Port Of Entry. U.S. Border Patrol is forced to close inland security checkpoints in NM and West Texas due to influx of immigrants claiming asylum A total of six checkpoints are closed, including all five in New Mexico, and one in West Texas  The agents at the checkpoints deal largely with seizures of marijuana and other drugs from motorists. “To process and ensure appropriate care for those in custody, resources, including personnel, have been diverted from other border security priorities,” a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson said in a statement. SEGMENT 2:  NEWS FROM SANTA FE;  GOV SIGNS BILLS TO INVALIDATE LOCAL RIGHT-TO-WORK LAWS; SAME-DAY VOTER REGISTRATION; HOSTS CALL WITH COUNTY COMMISSIONS Right-to-Wo