Coaching For Leaders

41: How to Stop Abusing PowerPoint



For better or worse, Microsoft PowerPoint has become our default method of framing much of what we present visually to others. While PowerPoint brings many advantages to presenters, it can also serve as a crutch when we don't utilize it well to enhance our presentations. In this episode, I discuss some of the common failures leaders make with PowerPoint and a many of tips you can put into practice immediately in order to enhance the use of PowerPoint (or any other visual medium) in your presentations to others. Community Feedback I mentioned early in the show that there is a wonderful, stand-up comedy bit from Don McMillan that captures much of what is wrong with how we use PowerPoint. Here's the video: Rule #1 - The best PowerPoint is one you don't need. Be sure that PowerPoint adds value to the presentation - if it doesn't, drop it. Susan Cain's TED talk is a wonderful example of a fantastic presentation that didn't need (and doesn't use) PowerPoint. Talk to the aud