Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast: Episode 10 - Insert Here



Dragon Age Podcast Episode 10 - Insert Here mikemike37 returns in Episode 10 as the latest addition to the Dragon Age Podcast team. Get your Orlesian on for this episode! With the focus of this episode on the new Leliana’s Song DLC, we discuss an interview with Leliana's voice actress, Corrine Kempa, we take a look at some bard-centric Grey Wardens articles on Seduction and Orlais as well as reviewing our thoughts on the recently released downloadable content. In the next episode we’ll be discussing the recently announced Dragon Age 2 in depth and piecing together all the bits and pieces we can find to give you the fullest picture of the sequel to Dragon Age! If you enjoy our show, you can show your support by reviewing us on iTunes, posting on our BSN General Discussion Thread, or leaving a comment here in the Dragon Age Podcast Official Forums. Also, if you feel so inclined, feel free to join our BSN Social Group, our Steam Group, or our Xfire Club. You can listen to the podcast here: There's supposed t