Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast - Episode 8: Awesome Sauce



Dragon Age Podcast Episode 8 - Awesome Sauce In this lengthy episode, we talk at length about the recently announced Dragon Age Anime as well as the rest of the Dragon Age news from the last two weeks, we feature a long awaited interview with Questorion, project lead for Dark Times: The Confederacy of Malkuth and the Extended Community Canon Project, and as usual we respond to your feedback. Dotte even stops by to share something special with us all. If you enjoy our show, you can show your support by reviewing us on iTunes, posting on our BSN General Discussion Thread, or leaving a comment here in the Dragon Age Podcast Official Forums. Also, if you feel so inclined, feel free to join our BSN Social Group, our Steam Group, or our Xfire Club. You can listen to the podcast here: There's supposed to be something here. Do you have flash installed? You won't be able to see this without flash. swfobject.embedSWF("http://dragonagepodcast.com/modules/swftools/shared/1pixelout/player.swf", "swfobject2-id-1569896