Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast - Episode 5: Geekfest



We talk about Consoles! This Episode is a bit off the rails. Okay, it's a lot off the rails. Our first segment ends up going all over the place. We have a secret guest host (Tarante11a) this episode. She provides the Voice Of Reason amongst the podcast hosts. We cover some of our favorite console games, favorite mods and some articles and threads we found interesting. A curious fan fiction concept is discussed, as well as the superiority of airships. Here is an example of some of the great discussion you can expect: "No, you don't" "Yes, you do" "No, you don't" Of course we answer emails and questions, and we have an awesome interview somewhere in the middle. We interview AmstradHero, creator of Alley of Murders. Oh, and if anyone could please let us know where the "Dog mod" mentioned in the show is, that would be awesome. You can listen to the podcast here: There's supposed to be something here. Do you have flash installed? You won't be able to see this without flash. swfobject.embedSWF("http://dragonag