Dragon Age Podcast

DA Podcast - Episode 2: The Unofficial DLC Patch



In this Episode Matt and David cover how to install mods, we take a look at some websites Dragon Age fans should know about, and we finally air our community segment on Warrior Builds. If that wasn't enough, we also have an interview with KigenBarzhad, the man behind the DLC to Awakening mod which allows PC gamers to import their DLC content into the Awakening expansion. We're still looking for Rogue Build Tips for an upcoming episode. If you have some, please send them to letters@dragonagepodcast.com with the subject "Sneaky Build Tips." Any other questions or comments can be sent to the same address, and we may even read your email in an upcoming episode. You can listen to the episode here: There's supposed to be something here. Do you have flash installed? You won't be able to see this without flash. swfobject.embedSWF("http://dragonagepodcast.com/modules/swftools/shared/1pixelout/player.swf", "swfobject2-id-156989684831", "290", "24", "7", "", { "playerID": "156989684831", "autostart": "no", "loop": "