Tasha Kheiriddin

Top 3 Panel: January 18th, 2019



The Canada China relationship – where do we go from here?  Should we continue speaking out and lining up allies against China?  Here at home, should we allow Huawei to join 5G - or should China’s latest actions make us even more wary of letting them participate? And what are the political ramifications for Trudeau depending on how he handles this crisis? Ontario tuition changes – will they help or hurt accessibility? What should be the criteria for financial assistance? Netflix rejects request to remove footage of Lac-Mégantic rail disaster from Bird Box – was this the right call? Should footage of real horrible events ever be used as stock footage for fictional films? Panelists Maddie Di Muccio - CEO of Society for Quality Education, President of the York Region Taxpayers Association     Sarah Boesveld - Senior Writer at Chatelaine     Marcella Munro - Senior strategist with KTG Public Affairs