Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 54: Is A "Friendraiser" a Waste of Time?



Welcome to Season 3! Episode 54: Is A "Friendraiser" a Waste of Time? Is A Friendraiser a Waste of Time? Are you wasting time and money on “friendraisers” that barely generate any donors or volunteers? In this episode, we are going to chat about the goal and purpose of a friendraiser. What is a Friendraiser Let’s first define what a friendraiser is. It’s a non-ask event. No request for funding. It’s a way to educate guests on the great work your organization is doing but in a friendly way, a casual way. And what I am about to say is really important, there is no cost to attend a friendraiser. It’s free. However, while I’m suggesting to you that the event be casual in nature, they do serve a very important purpose for your organization. And there are specific reasons you want to host this type of event. Do you know what they are? Well, i got good news. I’m going to tell you. There are 6 reasons you need to be hosting several “friendraisers” throughout the year. But first let’s talk about what a “friend