Cody Builds A Business

Ep. 036 - Start Simple. Get Fancy Later (Maybe)



When you were learning to ride a bike... I'm sure, like me, you fell a few times and skinned your knees. You may have surmised, "this is HARD!" But after a few more tries you got better and found out, "wait! This is easy!" What changed? The bike is still the same bike, right? But your aptitude was different. You felt more confident and got better and better... Business is no different. I used to SUCK as a copywriter and as a marketer. My first funnels would fail miserably. But I got better and better at it. And I didn't give up. You shouldn't either! The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is the best business podcast. It's your front row seat to watching me build a 7-figure online business from scratch (or die trying). Like what you hear? Have any comments or ideas for episodes? Connect with me at and while you're there, join my free Facebook Group. Thanks - Cody