Pain Waves

Catastrophizing: How it relates to pain and the current coronavirus pandemic



When dealing with an unfamiliar or stressful situation like the current coronavirus pandemic, it's not uncommon to think of the worst possible outcomes, which is sometimes referred to as "catastrophizing". While catastrophizing can lead to increased feelings of stress and anxiety for people who already live with complex health conditions, it can also be a useful tool when well-managed.In this month’s episode of the Pain Waves podcast, we’re joined by Dr. Bronnie Lennox Thompson, a world-renowned pain educator and researcher based out of New Zealand. She talks to us about what catastrophizing is, how it relates to pain and the current coronavirus pandemic, and shares tips on how people in pain can manage catastrophic thoughts and take care of themselves during this public health emergency.Resources mentioned in this episode:- Pain BC's supports for people in pain: Bronnie's HealthSkills blog: Bronnie's article on catastrophizing and how it relat